This is a guide to fully integrate MyEducator with your Canvas course.
If the MyEducator external tool app has not yet been installed, you will need institution specific Consumer Key and Shared Secret values provided to you by your MyEducator representative to complete this process.
1. Navigate to your Canvas course.
2. Navigate to the Settings page.
3. Select the Apps tab.
4. Click the View App Configurations button.
5a. Look for the MyEducator CanvasConnect external tool app listed in the yellow-outlined section. If you find it listed, it has already been installed and you can skip ahead to step 6 of this guide.
5b. If you cannot find the MyEducator CanvasConnect external tool app listed in the yellow-outlined section, verify whether or not you can add an external tool app by looking for the + App button. Click this button if available.
Note: If the + App button is unavailable to you, contact your Canvas Administrator and ask them to add the MyEducator external tool app, using the Consumer Key and Shared Secret provided to you, and this guide.
5c. Change the Configuration Type dropdown from Manual Entry to By URL.
5d. Fill in the textboxes for the Add App popup.
Name: MyEducator CanvasConnect
Consumer Key: (Ask your sales representative for this value)
Shared Secret: (Ask your sales representative for this value)
Config URL:
Then click the Submit button.
5e. Check to make sure the app has been added.
6. Create a new module in either the Home page or the Modules page.
7. Name the module (MyEducator or MyEducator CanvasConnect) and then click the Add Module button.
8. Create a module sub-item by clicking the plus icon found on the far right of the new module.
9. Select External Tool in place of the default Assignment from the dropdown menu. A list of external tool link options will now populate the area below the dropdown.
10. In the yellow-outlined section (this section allows for scrolling), locate and select the “MyEducator CanvasConnect” external tool option (the name could differ based on what you or your Canvas administrator named it). Selecting it will populate the URL and Page Name text bars.
Note: If the “MyEducator CanvasConnect” external tool option is not showing in the list and you know it has been installed, you can manually fill the URL text bar with and the Page Name text bar with MyEducator CanvasConnect.
11. Verify that both the URL and Page Name text bars have been auto-populated after selecting the "MyEducator CanvasConnect" option, and that the Load in a new tab option is selected. Then click the Add Item button.
12. Verify your module now contains a sub-item link titled “MyEducator CanvasConnect”.
13. Click the “MyEducator CanvasConnect” module sub-item link.
14. Click the Load MyEducator CanvasConnect in a new window button.
15. If you have not yet authorized the use of MyEducator CanvasConnect in Canvas before, click to authorize (if you have, you will not see this screen).
16. Select the resource you want to COPY and connect to Canvas, and then click the Create Connection button.
Note: Contact your sales representative or if there are no resources available to select or if the resource you are looking for does not appear as an option.
17. This process may take a few minutes!
18. Verify that the expected resource shows up on the Current Connections page.
19a. To import MyEducator assessments into your Canvas course, click “Import Assessments”.
19b. Select the assessments you want imported into Canvas. Decide whether or not to have the assessments open in a new tab in Canvas (we recommend having them open in a new tab). Click the Create Assessment Links in Canvas button.
19c. This process may take a few minutes!
19d. After the importing process has finished, you can navigate back to the Canvas tab to view that the assessments have been imported correctly.
19e. Navigate to the Assignments page.
19f. Click on a MyEducator assessment to verify it works as expected.
19g. Exit out of the MyEducator assessment link tab and navigate back to the MyEducator tab. Click the Finish button to return to the Current Connections page.
20a. To create MyEducator reading links in your Canvas course, click “Create Reading Links”.
20b. Select the sections of the resource you want to create as reading links in your Canvas course. Click the Create Reading Links in Canvas button.
20c. This process may take a few minutes!
20d. After the reading link creation process has finished, navigate back to the Canvas tab to view the reading links in Canvas.
20e. Navigate back to the Modules page by clicking the Modules navigation link.
20f. Verify that a new module and module sub-item reading links have been created. Click on a MyEducator reading link to verify it works as expected.
20g. Exit out of the MyEducator reading link tab and navigate back to the MyEducator setup tab. Click the Finish button to return to the Current Connections page.
21a. To connect a second MyEducator resource to your Canvas course, see the guide found here for instructions. You can view the resource you connected by clicking the Go to Resource button.
21b. If you have not used a MyEducator resource before, you will need to accept the MyEducator Terms of Service.
21c. Verify that the expected resource appears after clicking the Go to Resource button.
You have successfully fully integrated MyEducator with your Canvas course! For any further assistance, contact