This is an article explaining how to globally install the MyEducator CanvasConnect external app in your institution’s instance of Canvas.
To be able to complete this process, you will need an institution specific Consumer Key and Shared Secret. These can be obtained from your MyEducator sales representative, or by contacting MyEducator support at Additionally, you will need institution Canvas administrator permissions.
1. Select Admin in the left-hand menu.
2. Click the Settings link.
3. Click the Apps tab.
4. Type “CanvasConnect” in the “Filter by name” search bar.
5. Select the MyEducator CanvasConnect external app icon. (If it does not appear, skip to step 8)
6. Click the “Add App” button.
7. Enter the institution specific Consumer Key and Shared Secret in the respective text boxes. Deselect the “left-hand course navigation” checkbox. Click “Add App”.
8. If the MyEducator CanvasConnect external app icon does not appear when following steps four and five, click the “View App Configurations” button.
9. Click the Add App button.
10. Change the Configuration Type from “Manual Entry” to “By URL”.
11. Fill in the text boxes on the “Add App” pop-up window using the following information:
Name: MyEducator CanvasConnect
Consumer Key: [institution specific consumer key]
Shared Secret: [institution specific shared secret]
Config URL:
Click the “Submit” button.
12. You should now see a new External Apps line item titled “MyEducator CanvasConnect.”
You have successfully installed the MyEducator CanvasConnect external app! For any further assistance, contact