This is a guide for creating MyEducator reading links in your Canvas course.

To be able to create MyEducator reading links in your Canvas course, the MyEducator CanvasConnect external tool app must already be installed (refer to this guide), the CanvasConnect external tool link must already be placed in your Canvas course (refer to this guide) and you must have a MyEducator resource connected to your Canvas course (refer to this guide).

1. Navigate to your Canvas course.

2. Click the “MyEducator CanvasConnect” module sub-item link.

3. Click the Load MyEducator CanvasConnect in a new window button.

4. Click the “Create Reading Links” link.

5. Select the resource’s sections you want to create as reading links in your Canvas course. Click the Create Reading Links in Canvas button.

6. This process may take a few minutes!

7. After the reading link creation process has finished, navigate back to the Canvas tab to view the reading links in Canvas.

8. Navigate back to the Modules page by clicking the Modules navigation link.

9. Verify a new module and module sub-item reading links have been created. Click on a MyEducator reading link to verify it works as expected.

10. Exit out of the MyEducator reading link tab and navigate back to the MyEducator setup tab. Click the Finish button to return to the Current Connections page.

You have successfully created MyEducator reading links in your Canvas course! Follow this guide to identify which MyEducator reading links you've already created in your Canvas course. For any assistance, contact