If you receive an access code either by purchasing it from a bookstore, or via email, you can access the linked course by following these steps:
1. You should receive a signup URL from your instructor. Copy and paste that URL into your internet browser.
Note to Canvas users: You will not need a signup URL. Simply locate and click on the "MyEducator CanvasConnect" link that should be able to be found on either the course's homepage or the course's Modules page, and then follow steps 2-7.
2. Click on the “Checkout” button.
3. Login to a current MyEducator account, or create a new account if you do not already have one.
4. Please do not put in payment information. Instead, click the link in the bottom right corner labeled "Already Have an Access Code?"
5. Insert the unique Access Code, and click “Submit” (The code should appear in the following format: 0000-000-0000-00-0000)
6. Click the blue “Apply” button to apply the credit.
7. Click "Finish" to complete the process and view the material.
If you have any questions, please contact us at support@myeducator.com. When reaching out for help, please include a list with the following information so that we can help you as quickly as possible:
- Access code
- Full name of textbook you are trying to access/purchase
- Instructor name and email
- Course section name or number (if any)