When you retake a course you've previously purchased, you can get the access to the current semester's course material for without purchasing access again.
** Canvas Users: If you are enrolled in a Canvas course, first check the email address in your MyEducator and Canvas accounts. Your primary email address in Canvas and MyEducator need to match up for the system to automatically recognize a free retake.
1. In order to switch the course material, first copy and paste the sign-up link into your browser.
**If your instructor uses Canvas, click on the "MyEducator" tab, which should bring you to a Shopping Cart page:
2. Check the course name to make sure that you are in the right course, and then click "Checkout"
3. (Not applicable to Canvas users) Instead of typing your information again, click "Log in" under the "Sign up" button
4. (Not applicable to Canvas users) Log in with your MyEducator account credentials
5. (Not applicable to Canvas users) Type your student ID and click Continue
6. Follow the rest of steps on MyEducator as directed on the page. When you go to "Review" page, you should have $0 charged.
7. If you are asked for payment information again, please contact support@myeducator.com and our support team will ensure that you can retake the course free of charge. Include the following information in your email:
- Sign-up link provided by your instructor
- Instructor's email address
- Course name
- Section number (if applicable)