**Note: To update multiple assessments with the same setting(s), see "How do I edit the settings for multiple assessments at once?"

**Note: If you have your MyEducator course linked through Canvas, the settings that should be adjusted within canvas are marked with the icon below. 

You can change an assessment's settings by clicking on Manage -> Assessments.




Clicking on the settings icon (gear) will display the assessment's settings.




A description of each of the setting's options is below.




  • Assessment Name: This name will be displayed to students and can be named whatever you want.
  • Group: It is common to group similar assessments together, such as quizzes, tests, projects, etc. You can create a new group from the Manage -> Assessments page.
  • Randomize Questions: Choose whether you would like the questions in the assessment to be randomized.
  • Points: Points are automatically set based on the questions in the assessment.
  • Description: This will be displayed to students. Give them any instructions on the assessment.
  • Resource Files: Upload any files that your students may need to complete the assessment.


Due Date and Late Submissions


Due Date
: Select a date that will indicate to students the date and time an assignment is due.

Enforce Late Penalty
: Enforce a penalty in points if submitted past the due date.




: Choose when you would like to make the assessment available.

Visibility Before Available
: Choose whether students can view the assessment before it becomes available.




Display Feedback: Each question has a Feedback section that may be displayed to students. This Display Feedback section determines when to show the feedback for this assessment.

Points: Choose whether to show the number of points earned for each question.

Answer: Choose whether to show the correct answer after the assessment is submitted.

Display: Choose whether to show feedback based on student responses.




Record Score From: When multiple submissions are allowed, decide how the score will be recorded.

Limit Submission
: Choose how many attempts a student has at the assessment.


Time Limit


Enforce Time Limit (Minutes): When a student wants to take an assessment that has a time limit set, he/she will need to press "Start Timer" before any questions are displayed. This field allows you to set that time limit (in minutes). Leave this field blank if you do not want to set a time limit.


Proctor Password



Proctor Password: Require an Instructor to enter a pre-determined password before a student can start an assessment or exam.


Waiting Period



Enforce Waiting Period: Require a minimum amount of time between multiple submissions.





Notify of High Score: An option to notify instructor(s), student, or both of a score above a selected percentage.


Academic Integrity



Flag Short Submissions: Add an alert if a student submits an assessment with short completion time.

**Note: Courses related to Microsoft Office products (i.e. Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint) may have additional options in the Academic Integrity section.


Use Actions Log: Creates a log of actions to compare one student's submission to others.

Check for Copied Workbooks: Identifies submissions where another workbook was copied into the submitted file.

Flag Short Workbook Times: A different check from the submission time, that checks to see if the amount of time spent working in the actual workbook is shorter than a selected time.

Flag Copied Cells: Checks for cells that were copied from another workbook.





# Of Questions to Display: Choose how many questions at a time a student will see.

: Students must answer questions in succession, before moving on.